Saturday, January 3, 2009

Free Wedding Stuff!

Join this wonderful thing called Freecycle to meet some of your wedding needs for free!

Earlier this week I sent out an email on the freecycle networking mailing list that I was getting married in September and was looking for anything wedding-related.

I was so happy to receive a bunch of emails from past brides that just had their wedding stuff (that they would never use again) around, and were happy to give it away for free! Most of the stuff was only used that one time and still looked great.

1 comment:

  1. hi my little sister is renewing her vows her and her husband had a quick wedding the first time he left for iraq 2days later they are having a real wedding 3 years later he is being sent back to iraq again and they do not have any money can you help anyone flowers stemware decorations anything that has red and black or red and white i will pay for shipping if need please thank you my name is Lisa Larsen 1716 Opal Street Jefferson City tn 37760 and my e'mail addr is again thanks for your help anyone
